Food Waste Solutions

Did you know more than 30% of the population in Australia and other developed countries are ‘Climate Alarmed’ ?

…and that Food Waste is ranked as the most impactful solution for households and individuals?

In Victoria, Australia alone, that’s 2 million alarmed citizens and a $6 Billion a year opportunity.

Climateers believe the situation’s urgent and that we still have agency.  Every fraction of a degree matters.   Climateers are action takers, learners, thinkers, collaborators and most of all they care.


Are you a Climateer?

Then join us today. it’s free. Let’s together steer the outcome to a regenerative future by collectively rewriting the end of the climate crisis story by 2030.

Climateers is a collaboration and opportunity platform – the world’s go-to place for all things climate.

We’re starting with  one solution in one region at a time like our pilot ecosystem for Food Waste in Victoria, and then replicate across the world and across 100s of climate solutions, building a global network of 10,000s of local ecosystems.

We bring climateers together and help them win, with better access to finance, talent and collaborations.

By sharing insights, learnings and stories, we can all help inspire action, raise ambition and hope. It all begins by fostering the collaborations that accelerate progress to halve food waste by 2030 in Victoria and around the world.

In Victoria, the ecosystem (so far) looks like this…

We are building an ecosystem map of Victoria’s food waste stakeholder ecosystem. We need your help. Who have we missed?

Our Rollout Plan

Climateers is in its early stages. We’re hoping our Pilot with Food Waste in Victoria will start something great, bringing  together the people and organisations that accelerate a transition to a regenerative future.

Our Food Waste rollout involves four key steps, which we will then replicate and roll out globally.

1. Research

the ecosystem and pre-populate our directories and ecosystem map with industry stakeholders

3. Compile an Industry Report

and feature sponsoring organisations (create value that generates revenue to enable exponential propagation of the global network)

2. Engage

stakeholders and invite them to unlock benefits by claiming their listing, completing the industry survey and joining the online collaboration spaces.  This is you!

4. Launch

the report at an Action Summit event and facilitate action and collaborations

Take Action

Find out more about Food Waste Climateers by browsing this site’s menu.

Then come join us, so together, we can tackle the Food Waste Crisis in Victoria, then San Diego and then let’s share learnings and collborate globally.

Join FREE today and become a

Founding Member at

Food Waste Climateers is part of the wider global network of Climate Solutions Ecosystems.

We are tackling the problems of fragmentation, complexity and inertia…one ecosystem at a time.

We are starting with Food Waste in Victoria, we then spread to the rest of Australia and around the world before rolling out our next climate solutions of Energy Storage, Seaweed and Carbon Markets.

By joining our mailing list for free today you can become one of the 10,000 Founding members at Climateers.

You’ll receive lifetime Founding Member benefits including bragging rights of helping to create the Social Tipping Point to help rewrite the end of the Climate Crisis story.