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Food Waste Victoria

The Food Waste Victoria Ecosystem (August 2024)

Some Local Food Waste Facts

From the 2017 National Food Waste Strategy report:

How much food do we waste in Australia each year?
◗ $20 billion is lost to the economy through food waste.
◗ Up to 25 per cent of all vegetables produced don’t leave the farm—31 per cent of carrots that don’t leave the farm equate to a cost of $60 million.
◗ The total cost of agricultural food losses to farmers is $2.84 billion.
◗ Households throw away 3.1 million tonnes of edible food, that’s close to 17,000 grounded 747 jumbo jets.
◗ Food waste costs to households vary from $2,200 to $3,800.
◗ 2.2 million tonnes of food is wasted from the commercial and industrial sectors, resulting in significant waste disposal charges and lost product costs to business.

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