Share learnings and ideas to empower local action

We support Local Government to connect with the broader ecosystem of other councils, solutions providers and enablers to improve local outcomes.

Be part of the change!

Victorian Food Waste Action Summit

1st October 2024

Let’s solve food waste with effective local action

  • Empower behaviour change in our communities
  • Support local food businesses
  • Tackle food insecurity with local food rescue

Help your council fast-track impact.

Let’s come together and have your voice heard.

SPECIAL BULK OFFER – 3 tickets for $400…come with your colleagues

Benefits for Local Government

The Action Summit and Climateer’s platform make it easier for your council to support your teams, residents and local business to accelerate food waste action.

Supercharge your Climate Action Plan and discover new ways to increase collaboration in your community.

Share Best Practice

Share experiences and learnings with other councils and wider stakeholders

Build Your Networks

Enhance your visibility in the Victorian Food Waste community.

Discover Solutions

Connect with the solutions to help you fast-track success in your community.

Gain Insights

Learn from sector experts and stay updated on industry trends.

Industry survey and report for Local Governments

  • Participate in our 2024 Victorian Food Waste Industry Report. Share insights about the challenges and opportunities and shape the future of food waste solutions.
  • Schedule a Discovery call to be interviewed  or do  the Survey your own.

Our Services

Help us Map the Ecosystem

Introduce us to organisations that you know of that are taking Food Waste Action in Victoria

Please email us at with suggestions of any organisations we have missed.

Spread the Word – Help Us Amplify Our Impact!

Join us in making the Action Summit a success by sharing it with your network! Together, we can raise awareness about food waste and climate change. Here’s how you can help:

  • Follow Us on Social Media: Stay updated and share our posts on (include social media links here)
  • Share on LinkedIn: Spread the word about your participation and encourage others to join. 


  • Invite Your Network: Use our event hashtags: #FoodWasteActionSummit #Climateers to connect with others and spark conversations.

Together, we can drive real change!

Post Event Action

After the event we work to localise action.

Our plan is to deploy our Action Summit framework and platform into local communities.

Our Boroondara Food Action Summit is planned as a prototype for November with the sponsorship support of a local Rotary Club.

By bringing together the local food rescue charities, schools, local business we plan to increase awareness, education, collaboration to tackle food waste and food insecurity.