Fractional Chief Sustainability Officer Services

Put us on retainer to accelerate your organisation’s climate transition journey

In these fast-changing times, it’s challenging to work out the best way forward to reduce risks and seize opportunities.

We make it easy for you to develop and act on your Climate Transition Strategy and Action Plans.

No matter where you are on your Sustainability journey, we’ll meet you where you’re at, and make that path ahead easier to navigate.

We work at all levels of your organisation to make it easier for all your staff and surrounding stakeholders to collaborate and unlock opportunities.

We will:

  • Provide your Board the insights needed to deliver on ambitious climate action
  • Empower your C-Suite to embed sustainability to reduce waste, cut costs and improve profits
  • Support middle management to drive the change and contribute gains
  • Create buy in for all staff within your organisation to unlock opportunities and reduce risks

Embedding sustainability across your organisation is a great way to:

  • Improve profitability
  • Attract and retain talent
  • Support collaboration within your organisation and with external stakeholders
  • Enhance your brand
  • Avoid regulatory risks and reduce compliance costs

If your existing sustainability teams need extra support or you’ve been thinking about engaging consultants or hiring a Chief Sustainability Officer, talk to us first.

Our technology platforms, processes and advisory staff can help your business Target, Measure, Act and Report.

What are Fractional CSO services ?

Hiring a Chief Sustainability Officer in this fast-changing world is a pivotal yet difficult hire… Sometimes difficult to commit to the budget and the role and often difficult to find the right person given the complexity of emerging regulations and technologies.

We make it easy:

  • You can get started at no cost to try us out and get a plan.
  • Then pay a monthly retainer and we will manage the implementation.
  • It’s low risk…you only ever need commit to three months at a time and can scale us up and down.

Food and Agribusinesses…our specialty

Our team of inhouse advisors and our ecosystem of external subject matter expert consultants and sustainability providers can be your one stop spot for all things sustainability.

Typically we get started with food waste to deliver some quick and easy wins.

This will make it easier to unlock budgets and opportunities for future projects. It’s also a great soft-start way to introduce us to your team and build the rapport and trust to drive change. We are not  fly-in, fly out consultants that take the money and leave your team high and dry. Instead we focus on building capability and delivering you scaleable capacity.

Our capabilities include:

  • Navigating impending regulations
  • Supporting scope 1,2 and 3 emmissions measurement and reporting
  • Sustainability strategic planning
  • Developing Climate Transition Plans that work
  • Sustainability Strategy and Education
  • Collaborative innovation and problem solving
  • Sustainability Audits (food waste, energy, water, packaging, emissions)
  • Waste / Cost Optimisation
  • Solutions Research
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Financial Modelling
  • Innovation Processes
  • Research & Development
  • Project Management.
  • Process Engineering Design
  • Equipment Selection
  • Project Engineering
  • Plant Commissioning

Rob Anderson our CEO is a chemical engineer with 30 years food industry experience in the fields of biotechnology, dairy, waste valorisation, upcycling, artisan food production and more

Our networks and partners

Climateers has positioned itself to become the one stop place ‘local climate solutions’ 

Our Ecosystem Design Thinking processes and Action Summit events are designed to help us establish relationships as an independent advisor with suppliers of solutions and other stakeholders.