Local Government
Local Government teams are key if we’re to half food waste by 2030
But there are many challenges they’re facing
- Empowering residents to take action
- Implementing FOGO with the support of all stakeholders
- Educating residents to divert organics from landfill and not contaminate FOGO with plastics etc.
- Supporting local business to save waste and costs
- Tackling Food Insecurity when there’s enough food to prevent people going hungry
Our Solution
We bring the stakeholders together to help you to create wins in your community by:
- Networking with other councils and access shared learnings
- Gathering ideas as we brainstorm solutions to your challenges with the wisdom of the crowd
- Taking best practice solutions back to your community by connecting with the Solutions Providers
- Keeping on top of the latest developments and regulatory changes
- Finding collaborations to amplify your impact and make life easier
Your Benefits if you get involved (for as little as $100)
- Learn about food waste solutions that could be relevant for your community
- Enhance your brand as an active part of the Victorian Food Waste community
- Increase your exposure to attract collaborations and talent
- Gain insights from the experts in the sector
- Learn how to get support for making progress with Climate Action Plans
- Learn the latest of what’s going on from other councils and stakeholders
- Meet and network with people connected to potential collaborators
- Share requests to collaborate
- Get ideas and shared learnings to implement locally
- Brainstorm with others to identify ‘easy-wins’ to overcome challenges and seize opportunities
- Get inspired by other ‘climate heroes’ doing their bit to halve food waste by 2030
How it works
Eighteen interns from Swinburne, Monash, RMIT, and Deakin University are kickstarting this initiative for us by reaching out to engage stakeholders, gather insights, publish the Industry Report, onboard them to our directories and invite them to participate at our Action Summits.
But to truly succeed, we need your involvement.
We’ve put together a step-by-step process to deliver you the most benefits for the smallest posible time and financial commitment.
From as little as $100 you and your organisation can attend the Action Summit and be upgraded to a premium member for 2 years on our Food Waste Directories and Collaboration and Opportunity platform with access to the live event. recordings of all future events and countless other resources and benefits.
Step 1. Industry Survey and Report
Help us understand your challenges and benefit from your insights to collectively share the easy win opportunities.
Book a zoom call with the Intern who approached you to participate in our survey and share your insights for the 2024 Victorian Food Waste Industry Report.
If they aren’t available at a time that suits:
Step 2. Register for the Action Summit
Book your early-bird tickets at the Victorian Food Waste Action Summit on 8th October (in-person at Hawthorn Arts Centre / livestreamed with access to recordings)
We need your support to help make this an event that creates a ripple effect of good.
So please get involved.
We have attempted to set pricing to make it as affordable as possible, and make it financially sustainable to enable us to replicate into other communities around the world.
Learn, Meet, Network, Share Ideas and Collaborate
Participate in:
- General networking
- The opening sessions where the Industry Report is presented
- The 3 expert panel discussions for Prevention, Rescue and Recycle
Join the Pitchzone where you can pitch your organisation to attendees and create a video recording that you can leverage post event
- Speed networking and brainstorming workshops on topics such as:
- Increased consumer and community involvement in food waste reduction
- Increased collaboration across the sector
- Getting more food donated to food charities
- Reducing contamination in FOGO
- Getting schools engaged with food waste reduction
We have put together special packages for Council:
Premium Package: $500 for 2 years
- 3 tickets to the Victorian Food Waste Action Summit
- 1 ticket for every Local Community Action Summit
- Priority access to our platforms and libraries of resources
Bronze Sponsorship: $1000 for 2 years
- 3 tickets to the Victorian Food Waste Action Summit
- 3 tickets for every Local Community Action Summit
- 3 tickets to the Victorian Electrification Summits (18th March 2025)
- Priority access to our platforms and libraries of resources

Please note our special offer for councils. Buy a Bronze sponsorship for $1000 and receive 3 tickets for each of our scheduled Action Summits:
- Victorian Food Waste Action Summit – 8th October Hawthorn Arts Centre and Online
- Boroondara Food Action Summit – November TBC
- Victorian Electrification Action Summit – 18th March 2025 (venue TBA)
Step 3. Help us Map the Ecosystem
Make sure we’ve included you on the Ecosystem Map and let us know who else we should add.
Food Waste Solutions is an industry well-supported by word-of-mouth. Make sure those who join our community know about you.

Step 4. Get listed on our Climate Directories
Make sure we’ve included you on our free Climate Solutions Directories.
Showcase your sustainability efforts to your local stakeholders and the wider world.
Food Waste Solutions is an industry well-supported by word-of-mouth. Make sure those who join our community, know about you and your efforts so they can spread the word about the products and services you’re offering.
The earlier you opt-in free or take up premium membership or a sponsorship, the higher you’ll rank on our global directory network and the greater your exposure.
We will email you a listing document to complete or you can submit your information online.

Step 5. Spread The Word
Spread the word to your networks so they know they can catch up with you at the Summit.
Promote your involvement to show you are active supporters of the Victorian Food Waste community and to maximise the benefits of involvement as listed above.
Step 6. Attend the Action Summit
Learn, Meet, Network, Share Ideas and Collaborate
Participate in:
- General networking
- The opening sessions where the Industry Report is presented
- The 3 expert panel discussions for Prevention, Rescue and Recycle
- Join the Pitchzone where you can pitch your organisation to attendees and create a video recording that you can leverage post event
- Speed networking and brainstorming workshops on topics such as:
- Increased consumer and community involvement in food waste reduction
- Increased collaboration across the sector
- Getting more food donated to food charities
- Reducing contamination in FOGO